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Fri Jul 19 2024, 2 mins
Fine dining – a world of delicious food, elegant ambiance, and perhaps a touch of intimidation? Worry not! With a few basic tips, you can navigate your next upscale dining experience with grace and confidence.
Cutlery Confusion Conquered:
Do you feel like the whole orchestra of forks and spoons is staring you down? Relax! Generally, cutlery is used from the outside in, following the order of the courses. The most distant fork tackles your salad, while the inner ones tackle your main course.
Here’s a quirky mnemonic that will help you become a pro in no time:
F for Forks (on the left)
O for Oh, that's the Plate (in the center)
r for Right, where the knives go (blade facing the plate!)
K for Knives (next to the plate)
S for Spoons (on the right)
The Napkin: Your Friend, Not Your Enemy:
Your napkin is there for you! Unfold it and place it on your lap before digging in. Use it to gently dab your mouth throughout the meal, not to wipe your face – that's what the restroom is for! When you're finished, simply lay it unfolded beside your plate.
Addressing Your Wait Staff:
Your wait staff are there to enhance your dining experience. A simple "hello" or "thank you" goes a long way. If you have any questions about the menu or need a recommendation, don't hesitate to ask. (They often have the best recommendations as well!)
Bonus Tips:
Fine dining should be an enjoyable experience, not a stressful one. By following these simple tips, you'll be well on your way to becoming a confident and courteous diner. Now go forth and conquer that menu – your taste buds will thank you!
If you would like to book a table at The Zubeida’s in house restaurant, simply contact us on +254 799 129 244.