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Fri Jun 28 2024, 2 mins
How can you tell when a product is sustainable?
We believe that there are products and materials currently out in the market that focus on the entire production chain. This means that during your research, you will discover where things come from, how the materials are sourced, whether they are long-lasting and durable, and whether or not they are reusable or recyclable.
We have to highlight Safarahh, and talk about the incredible work this local brand does. Not only do they support ocean conservation, but they also create stunning silhouettes that work on all body types in locally and sustainably sourced fabrics. They also leave in extra fabric- allowing you to alter your pieces to fit you at whatever stage in life you are in, and the clothes can be worn in a myriad of ways- bringing you multiple options from one article of clothing. If that doesn't scream sustainable fashion... we don't know what will.
We also use Cinnabar Green products in our villas: handwash, body wash, shampoo and conditioner just to name a few. Packaged in sleek aluminium containers with a pump, they boast locally produced and sourced natural ingredients and essential oils that are formulated into products created with the planet in mind and fit perfectly in our bathrooms. Their wide range of products are great for homes and resorts and also offer refills and larger packaged products so that you don't run out. They support their local communities around Mount Kenya with business and community support which includes employment.
While our aluminium bottles are recyclable, we choose to refill them in between and during guest visits so you will always be surrounded by their rich, aromatic products when you jump into the bathroom.
Brown's Cheese provides us with all our dairy products. A local family-owned company that started 40 years ago, they are award winners and cheese connoisseurs. They are classified organic and have branched out into various other products including crackers, ice cream and even some non-dairy goods! We adore their ethos, their commitment to their animals and the environment and their products. Check out their cheeseboards when you're in the mood for grazing or hosting.
You can email us at [email protected] to begin the booking process.
Our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter handles are The Zubeida and you can reach out to us there too.