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Fri Feb 16 2024, 2 mins
Our resident gardener Hamisi began our modest little herb patch a few years ago. It is now thriving and we are planning on introducing more herbs and vegetables into the patch.
Keep on reading and you'll find some great tips on how to start your own vegetable/ herb space in your home.
We choose to begin our own herbs and vegetable garden so that we could begin to use this fresh produce in our world-class food. We are currently successfully growing sage, coriander, parsley and mint and are looking into expanding into spinach, lettuce and tomatoes.
Remember, you don't need a garden space like ours to enjoy having a green thumb! You can have indoor gardens that can involve a bunch of beautiful pots, flower beds or vertical gardens even! You just need to have a little patience, a little faith and some compost for the magic to begin!
Tip 1: Ensure the garden has good topsoil with good nutrients and moisture retention. Use compost and manure as needed. You can either plant seeds or shift straight into seedlings and directly plant those into your garden.
Tip 2: Remember it is better to underwater than over-water your plants. Research on the best ways to water your chosen herbs and vegetables to ensure they are getting enough water. Use fresh water.
Tip 3: Depending on the plant, have some shade to protect the plants from extreme weather, & sometimes from animals.
Tip 4: Regularly till the garden (approximately every 2 days), to allow aeration within the soil and bring much needed nutrients to the plants.
What are your top tips to give other aspiring green thumbers?